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Surgical scissors are specialized instruments used by surgeons to cut tissues during surgical procedures. It is important to use the appropriate scissors for each procedure to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient. The choice of scissors depends on the type of tissue being cut, the location of the incision, and the surgeon's preference.
Show 1 to 20 (of in total 214 products)
Dissecting Scissors BABY-LEXER curved, round
Dissecting Scissors BABY-LEXER curved, round
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors BABY-LEXER straight, round
Dissecting Scissors BABY-LEXER straight, round
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors BABY-METZENBAUM curved, round
Dissecting Scissors BABY-METZENBAUM curved
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors BABY-METZENBAUM straight, round
Dissecting Scissors BABY-METZENBAUM straight
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Deaver curved, one sided pointed
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Deaver curved, pointed
Dissecting Scissors Deaver curved
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Deaver curved, round
Dissecting Scissors Deaver curved
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Deaver straight, one sided pointed
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Deaver straight, pointed
Dissecting Scissors Deaver straight
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Deaver straight, round
Dissecting Scissors Deaver straight
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors FOMON (Enucleation scissors) curved, one sided pointed
Dissecting Scissors FOMON (Enucleation scissors) curved
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Grazil curved, pointed
Dissecting Scissors Grazil curved
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Grazil gebogen, one sided pointed
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Grazil straight, one sided pointed
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Grazil straight, pointed
Dissecting Scissors Grazil straight
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors Grazil straight, round
Dissecting Scissors Grazil straight
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors KILNER (Ragnell) curved, round
Dissecting Scissors KILNER (Ragnell) curved, round
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors KILNER (Ragnell) curved, round
Dissecting Scissors KILNER (Ragnell) curved, round
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors LEXER curved, round
Dissecting Scissors LEXER curved, round
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Dissecting Scissors LEXER straight, round
Dissecting Scissors LEXER straight, round
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Shipping time: 3-4 Days
Show 1 to 20 (of in total 214 products)